Thursday, 12 September 2013

How to Consume Psyllium Whole Husk?

Psyllium whole husk can be defined as an amazing and useful shrub like herb, which is commonly found in India. The best thing about it is that it is a powerhouse of health benefits and has also been proved effective in treating number of health problems such as diabetes, constipation, high cholesterol, etc.

The fibre present in the organic psyllium husk is soluble, which proves useful in LDL (lowering bad cholesterol) and reduces the risk of heart disease, whilst promoting overall health. Once ingested, it expands and ultimately forms into a gelatine-like mass substance in the colon by drawing water in. After this, the husk is able to act as a scrub to clean the intestines and transports waste substances through the intestinal tract. Its function is similar to that of isabgol.

Following are some useful tips for using psyllium whole husk:

There are varieties of psyllium husk supplements offered in the market; however the fact is that not all are created equal. Manufacturers generally grind this husk to a fine powder and then add artificial colours & flavours, so that it becomes more easy and pleasant for a person to consume it.

This procedure in turn makes the husk less effective, but also introduces unwanted toxins into your digestive system. You will find this variety of whole husk generally in traditional grocery stores. In order to buy whole psyllium husk with no additives, you can visit nearby health food store.

It has been observed that this type of husk can prove difficult for some people to swallow it, so in this case it is advisable to drink lots of water after consuming it to avoid the problem of choking. While this was one reason as to why to consume lots of water, another one is that without sufficient amount of water, the husks can create blockages in the intestines. Thus, by following these tips, you will not have a tough time while consuming this psyllium whole husk.